(810) 813-0705


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Welcome to Flintstone Conjure

Welcome to Flintstone Conjure, based in Flint, MI. Here we sell hoodoo curiosities, offer work services and divination. We sell things ranging from handmade conjure oils to tools that have been worked for their corresponding condition. All my recipes are passed down from traditional southern workers through my mentor.

Depending on the type of product you order it may have to be worked and processed upon the time the order is placed. This is why our processing time is 10-14 business days. Shipping time is based on the distance you are from me. On average a product will take 3-7 business days to get to you once it is shipped.

If you would like to have me work on your behalf prices start at $85 and may go up based on your individual needs determined through divination.$25 divination is included with price. Divination will be conducted no matter what before I work for you. If divination says the work is not needed you will be given other options through divination or a refund of the difference ($60).

Flintstone Conjure is an extension of Mind, Body, Metanoia that is centered around my hoodoo practice. Mind, Body, & Metanoia is centered around overall spirituality and herbal products. Flintstone Conjure was created to respect and separate the two.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me through my email, text line, social media accounts located at the bottom of the page. Please introduce yourself before continuing with your question or request.